Chronicle Protocol Blog

Announcement·3 min read

The Yield Rate Oracle

In collaboration with our friends at Block Analitica, we have developed a novel yield rate Oracle, which tracks and delivers the value of the ETH staking yield rate on-chain in real time.

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Angus Tookey·
The Yield Rate Oracle

Latest Posts

Announcement7 min read

Chronicle’s Oracle Revolution Continues: Scribe is Live on Arbitrum

The march of our cost-efficient Oracle continues with the arrival of Scribe on Arbitrum, granting access to decentralized, verifiable data for 100+ DeFi dapps.

Angus TookeyImage of Angus Tookey
Angus Tookey·
Interviews4 min read

Building the First On-Chain Verifiable Data Dashboard with Brian Belhumeur

Few blockchain Oracle providers have gone through the trouble of creating a dashboard, allowing anyone to glean insight into what is happening to generate the final value the Oracle reports. This lack of transparency is troubling.

Angus TookeyImage of Angus Tookey
Angus Tookey·
Announcement9 min read

Scribe by Chronicle Now Available on Mantle

We proudly announce that Scribe, our revolutionary new Oracle design, is now live on Mantle, bringing the same security and trust assumptions that power MakerDAO, Spark, and others to the burgeoning Mantle Ecosystem.

Angus TookeyImage of Angus Tookey
Angus Tookey·
Announcement3 min read

New Oracle by Chronicle: Mountain Protocol

We are excited to announce the launch of the USDM/USD Oracle on Polygon zkEVM. Designed by Chronicle, this price Oracle will facilitate access to significant new markets for Mountain Protocol’s USDM yield-bearing stablecoin.

Angus TookeyImage of Angus Tookey
Angus Tookey·
Technical6 min read

What is Scribe? The novel Oracle by Chronicle

Chronicle Protocol has a long history. Born in 2017, it is still one of the oldest, continuously operating protocols in the space. Scribe, on the other hand, is new and novel. But what is it? In this short piece, we will dive deeper into this novel Oracle design recently launched by the core contributors to Chronicle Protocol, Chronicle Labs.

Angus TookeyImage of Angus Tookey
Angus Tookey·
Announcement7 min read

Scribe, the groundbreaking new Oracle design from Chronicle, goes live on Polygon zkEVM

In Q4 of 2023, we opened up access to the protocol outside of MakerDAO for the first time and, with it, announced that Scribe, our groundbreaking new Oracle, would launch first on Polygon zkEVM.

Angus TookeyImage of Angus Tookey
Angus Tookey·
Technical5 min read

How Oracles can hug you or rug you

Blockchains are blind. They don’t see anything that happens outside of the chain. They do not see the weather; they don’t know the price of a non-native cryptocurrency or the outcome of a football match. Applications built on the blockchain need access to information. For this, they rely on an intermediary, or in this case, a smart contract called an Oracle.

Paweł ZarembaImage of Paweł Zaremba
Paweł Zaremba·
Community11 min read

2023: A Year in Review

Towards the close of 2023, we announced ourselves to the world.

What was already well known in data and DeFi circles as the Oracle Core Unit of MakerDAO was now Chronicle Protocol, and, for the first time, it was made available outside of the MakerDAO ecosystem.

Angus TookeyImage of Angus Tookey
Angus Tookey·
Technical6 min read

The On-Chain Data Landscape Needs a Radical Redesign

Oracles, originally invented to deliver price feed data, have grown to enable much more, including cross-chain token bridges, random number generation, and cross-chain messaging. Yet the commercial landscape remains relatively undeveloped.

Angus TookeyImage of Angus Tookey
Angus Tookey·